You are preparing to upgrade to a newer version of Oracle and LM and want to know which Linux installer to use. When you checked the latest installer files you found several different Linux installers with "oracle10", "oracle12", or "oracle19" in the filename and you want to confirm that these are related to the Oracle version and which Oracle Client to use.
At the time of this writing, the latest version of LM is 12.4.1. All LM installers follow the same naming convention. This applies to current and earlier versions.
The filenames are formed using the following format:lm-<VERSION>-<DATABASE>-linux-rh-enterprise_4.tar.gz
is the LM version number, such as 12.4.1, and DATABASE
is the Oracle database version.
When upgrading LM and your Oracle DB, upgrade your Oracle Client to the same version as your new Oracle DB server. For example, if you are upgrading LM to version 12.4.1 and Oracle to version 12.2, you would want to use the lm-12.4.1-oracle12-linux-rh-enterprise_4.tar.gz
installer with your Oracle 12.2 database and upgrade your Oracle Client to 12.2 as well.